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+852 3689 6873 

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地址 / Address :

葵芳大連排道172~180號 金龍工業中心 3座 3樓 C室

Flat C 3/F, Block3, Golden Dragon Industrial Centre, Kwai Fong, N.T


星期一 至 星期日 上午11:00- 下午07:00(公眾假期照常營業)

午飯時間/Lunch Time 下
午01:00- 下午02:00

Please keep in touch with us, if you have any inquiry.

關於我們 / ABOUT US:

星之輪椅科技有限公司,香港唯一體驗式電動輪椅零售和批發公司,成立於2013年,致力提供高品質,安全的輪椅和電動輪椅。本公司提供全港首創免費上門試車服務可讓客人在任何地方都能夠試用電動輪椅,讓用家能夠感受實際環境操作的感覺,無需經傳統方法到營業點試用輪椅,費用全免。星之輪椅因應使用者居家環境與習慣,提供貼心的教學服務與使用上的建議,相信這是傳統的老人用品店無法做到的貼心服務。本公司在將來會和更多不同的傷殘和復康老人機構合作,將優質的產品和服務帶給輪椅用家。 星之輪椅承諾會到世界各地發掘最好的輪椅產品和最新科技套用在電動輪椅上,為銀髮族和傷健人士改善生活。


Founded in 2013, Starswheelchair Technology Limited is one of the top retailers of both manual and electric wheelchairs in Hong Kong. We aim to provide the most high-quality and safest manual wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs, and sincere after-sale services to our customers.

We are the first company in Hong Kong to let our customers have a touch-on experience of our different types of wheelchairs for free. No matter where you live, all you need is to provide us the most convenient location for you to conduct the test drive as we aim to give you the most comfortable experience when you come to us.

Elderly may have trouble learning to operate the electric wheelchair for the first time. But do not worry about a thing! When you make a purchase, it is our duty to demonstrate a step-by-step guideline on using our wheelchairs and ways of maintaining the wheelchairs. It usually takes around 15-20 to minutes to learn about our wheelchairs.

Throughout the years, we have been working with different organizations to learn about the needs of different peoples in Hong Kong. It is one of our responsibilities to make sure that every customer is getting the maximum quality of the wheelchair and services from Starswheelchair Technology.

Starwheelchair Techonology Limited promises to acquire the best and most updated wheelchairs around the world and share them with the people in Hong Kong. We would like to make sure that all the people in Hong Kong are to live life to the fullest.

無障礙聲明 / Accessibility Statement

星之輪椅科技有限公司 致力提供無障礙的網絡環境,如您在使用本網站遇到任何困難或希望提出意見,歡迎透過下列徑與我們聯絡。

We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. If you find any aspect of the website inaccessible or encounter any difficulty in use, please contact us from the contact information below.


聯絡 / Contact:星之輪椅 / Starswheelchair

電話 / Telephone:+852 36896873

電郵 / Email:services@starswheelchair.com


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